Travelling with your Pets

Travelling with your pet

***New changes to the CDC rules for travelling with your pets in the US*** 

Starting on August 1st, 2024, all dogs entering the U.S. from a dog rabies-free or low-risk country must be:

• Healthy upon arrival
• At least 6 months of age
• Microchipped
CDC Import Form online submission receipt.

For more detailed information and travel checklist, please click on the following link:

Travelling and Pet export

 When travelling or moving to another country with your pet, careful planning is key avoid problems such as entry refusal, delays and extra costs.  Some countries may require up to 6-8 months of careful planning prior to your trip.

 The country you're travelling to may have requirements your pet must meet before they can enter the country. Export requirements are determined by each country and can change frequently. Every time you plan to travel with your pet, it is the your responsibility as the owner to check the requirements and allow enough time to get your pet ready to travel. 

When getting prepared to travel to a foreign country, the first thing you need to do is get the proper documentation from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) website.


**Please respect the paper dimensions indicated on the application before printing. Many of these applications require single sided printing on legal size paper.**

Make an extra copy for you and pre-fill the fields with the necessary information. This will make it so much easier for your veterinarian when they fill out the official copy.

The documentation will have all of the necessary instructions of what needs to be done so you can obtain all of the necessary documentation, tests, treatments, and final signatures to get your pet into the other country without problems or delays.


Here are some helpful tips.

1- Review the entire application/instructions carefully prior to your appointment with your veterinarian and bring all of the necessary documentation so all of the fields can be filled out. Not having all of the information with you will only cause delays or needing to rebook your appointment when you are better prepared.

2- Please note that some necessary diagnostic tests are performed in laboratories outside of the country and may require several weeks to months before results are received. Make sure to contact your veterinarian to find out how much time will be needed well before your departure date (3-6 months)!! 

3- If the application is lengthy, booking two appointments will sometimes be required to perform all the necessary steps, don’t wait until the last minute!

4- Do not pre-fill the “official” copy of the application for the veterinarian, as the same writing must be found throughout the form.

5- If your signature is required, always sign with a blue pen.

6- If you must print your name, always write using all capitals.

7- Book your appointment at the CFIA earlier in the week to allow time to correct any mistakes by your veterinarian.


You will need to book an appointment with an official government veterinarian at the CFIA. Your appointment with the CFIA veterinarian can be pre-booked but make sure it is scheduled to happen after your final appointment with your veterinarian.


Here in Ottawa, the CFIA office is located at:

38 Auriga Drive, Unit 8

Ottawa, ON K2E 8A5

t. 613-773-8660

The official CFIA veterinarian will review the entire application and either point out erroneous information and have you return to your veterinarian to have it corrected or everything will be fine and they will sign (endorse) and stamp your document and you are all set!!


**Please verify the CFIA website for the endorsement fee


Please note: that if there are any delays in your departure date after all documentation has been signed and treatments given, some applications have an expiry date and some treatments may have to be re-administered in accordance with your new departure date. If this happens to you, please contact us and we will assist you as best as we can.


For further information on travelling with your pet please visit these links:

Travelling with animals

Travel documents for your pets

Bringing animals to Canada: Importing and travelling with pets

Foreign Country Pet Export Requirements

Shipping Requirements to Foreign Countries



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